Enjoying Life After You Quit Smoking Cigarettes - Lung Cancer
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Enjoying Life After You Quit Smoking Cigarettes

You are aware of the consequences of smoking or continuing smoking cigarettes aren't you? Things like cancer of different types, emphysema, asthma, heart problems, and a host of other medical problems are yours for the taking, if you start smoking or continue smoking cigarettes.

And the nice part about these different medical problems is that you can give them to your family, or even people you don't even know just by smoking. Interestingly enough you can reduce the effects of smoking and not give any of the bad effects to others by just quitting. Sure, it takes time for your body to recover from years of abuse, but it can recover. Your body won't repair itself, but it won't have any more damage done to it by continued smoking either. You will give yourself a cleaner and fresher outlook on life.

One cleaner effect is that you will reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in your blood stream. Within the first eight hours the carbon monoxide levels in your blood will be at normal levels. Smoking cigarettes increases the levels almost immediately.

Another benefit of not smoking is the lower risk of heart attack after the first 24 hours of quitting. After one year you cut your chances of heart attack in half. You do lower your risk of this and other heart diseases by stopping.

Your lungs will work easier and you will have better air flow. Your chances of getting lung cancer will decrease as time goes by. As you breathe you will notice the smell of things you thought you lost. And your taste will come back.

Another added benefit is the amount of money you will save. Just think, you won't have to spend up to 12 dollars a day, or more, to smoke. Put that money in a jar and save it and see how much you have in a months time. This may surprise you. You will find that you may have enough to replace those smoke stained clothes you don't want to wear anymore.

All in all you will enhance your life and those around you by quitting smoking. You will certainly make it better for your children. Everyone benefits. No more smoke filled air for everyone to breathe. You will reduce the bad effects of smoking over time and be much healthier. Do you think you could live with this?

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