A healthier outlook on life is the answer to prevent an early death.
If you continue to neglect your body then you may as well be digging an early grave for yourself. Family members will always feel pain if the inevitable happens, but having to feel it earlier than expected makes acceptance of their sad loss (you) unbearable. Aside from grieving, it is the hurt that hits the pocket from funeral costs. No doubt your loved ones will want to give you the best send off, but blurred vision from blood shot eyes has them forget that it is they who are left to foot the bill, is this what you want, to be remembered for unpaid bills or for the lovely person you were. Live as long as you can and die when you can't help it.
Sacrifice the causes that take life to live your life
Threatening concerns is an unhealthy diet, smoking and drinking, so threatening they kill. Over indulgence of what you believe is a good thing like puffing on a fag, guzzling a beer or scoffing a greasy king size burger is not a good thing at all. We associate cigarettes to lung cancer, the liver yellows with alcohol and the burger is a sure guarantee for no participation in running a marathon or sitting comfortably in a seat on an aeroplane, well one seat any way.
Death is a part of the cycle of life and comes to us all. We all have a designated time for passing on. Many deaths caused by accidents or illness could not be avoided, however premature deaths caused by self inflicted abuse of the body can be. Funeral arrangements are not to be taken likely nor is the cost for burying that special someone.
Keep to a budget. More fancy brass handles on the casket, more hymns sung at the service or the hiring of extra funeral cars will incur extra expense and all for what. The coffin is to be seen no more, the singing stops and the cars return to pick up yet another corpse to befall debt upon those left behind. Three reasons for you to consider keep funeral costs down.
Funeral arrangements will include the service, funeral cars, flowers and securing the actual burial/cemetery plot or mausoleum. Budget will determine grandeur. Never prepare a funeral to impress. Funerals depending on family background can start with a wake or viewing. Some families have the deceased in an open coffin for mourners to pay their last respects. Some folk place photos of the deceased around a closed the coffin.
Because of different cultures funerals can differ in how and where they are conducted i.e. funeral parlour, church, synagogue, or other places of worship like temples. Funerals can be personalized with readings. Poems or songs sung by the deceased favourite singer are commonly sanctioned at a mass. Cremation can burn a hole in your pocket; it is just as expensive as the 6 foot hole in the ground.
Official figures reveal that the death rate among women aged 35 to 54 from liver cirrhosis, stroke, coronary heart disease and pancreatitis linked to alcohol, doubled between 1991 and 2005.The death rate of 14 per 100,000 women was higher than for any other age group of women. More females die from alcohol than breast cancer, cervical cancer.
Around one in every 11 deaths in the UK is now linked to carrying excess fat - 50 per cent more than the rate in France. Obesity is a huge concern leaving people at high risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoarthritis
Deaths caused by obesity may soon, for the first time, exceed those caused by smoking,
Lung cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer for both men and women, responsible for nearly a quarter (24%) of all male cancer deaths and nearly a fifth (19%) of all female cancer deaths.
If you have no intention of taking care of your self then for the pete's sake take care of those left behind and take out life insurance, this way they will remember you for the considerate and lovely person you were.
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