Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer which has the potential to kill the person if they are not careful. The saddest part about this type of cancer is that it can very much be avoided because the single biggest reason for this type of cancer is tobacco and no one is doing anything about it.
Banning of the manufacture of tobacco is the only way through which lung cancer can be eradicated from the society. People who are suffering from lung cancer can be treated through surgery. However, the surgery for lung cancer might involve some long term and short term side effects for the patient.
Among the long term side effects; while treating lung cancer it has been noticed in patients that these develop long time after the patient has gone through surgery or treatment. However, none of these side effects can be of serious nature even after radiotherapy or chemotherapy. However, it is impossible for the doctors to guarantee the possible occurrence of side effects and it actually varies from one patient to the next. Some patients never experience any side effects after treatment. Some of the noticeable side effects in patients after they have undergone treatment like radiation therapy are shortness of breath. This is caused due to the fibrosis in lungs of the patient. In some patients it has been noted that the food pipe has become narrow. In some patients side effects have been noticed related to the heart and the spinal cord.
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