If you have a persistent cough that lasts more than 3 weeks. This is usually indicative of a respiratory infection or early stages of lung cancer which requires immediate attention from your doctor. If you smoke you may have what is referred to as the smoker's cough.
This cough alone will cause a persistent cough so if you smoke; regular visits to your doctor is imperative because the cough can convert into cancer without you knowing it; and that is because you are so accustomed to coughing. So don't take that for granted. If you smoke; quit. Smoking is like puffing on cancer sticks.
What if you don't smoke and you have a persistent cough for more than 3 weeks. You may have been around people who smoke constantly or exposed to an area where there was constant smoke.
Another symptom of lung cancer is blood or brown tinged colored sputum. Sputum is mucus that you cough up when you have a cold. If you do not have a cold and you cough this up in the morning or during the day pay attention to the color.
The normal color for sputum is clear white or clear pale. Being more lethargic than usual is another sign to look out for. We all experience times when we have less energy; but if you see yourself tiring more often than usual then you may need to take action. Knowing your body ;paying attention to it and taking action can destroy lung cancer in its tracks before it gets out of hand.
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