According to the; Cancer Reference Book, the symptoms of lung cancer are:
An ever present cough is one symptom of lung cancer. But a cough does not necessarily mean you have cancer obviously. It is the chronic nature of the cough that you need to watch for, one that is not part of a cold or the flu. Folks that smoke and cannot stop coughing all the time are already at high risk and they must get looked at soon if not sooner. These are the first sign or symptoms attributed to lung cancer.
In the next stages of lung cancer you can expect someone to show such symptoms trouble in breathing or shortness of breath. They will have blood in their saliva as well. They may also get pneumonia. In the more severe stages they will have pain in their chest and it will be relatively constant, sometimes overbearing.
Also in later stages the lung cancer victim will lose body mass, have an extreme shortness of breath and may not be able to swallow either. Fluid will also be ever present in the chest cavity, and it is really a tough go.
One thing that all doctors who see lung patients would like to tell folks is; Stop Smoking Now!
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