Training special dogs to do this is a rigorous routine and it takes a few weeks. Dogs are given treats as reward for their work. There is a very good scientific report on all this in the Journal of Integrative Cancer Therapies that is very much worth your time in reading if this concept interests you or if you deal with cancer patients.
How is this even possible you ask? Well, it seems that cancer cells work differently than other healthy cells and they have a by-product odor from metabolic waste or "bio-chemical" gases which can be distinguished by dogs with an acute sense of smell. Man's best friend indeed, dogs just became one step closer to man in helping him deal with the serious health care issues.
These gases can be sniffed by the dogs even at the beginning stages of lung cancer, which makes this discovery even greater. It would make sense for workers in industries that are at high risk of cancer to use these dogs for routine check-ups as it could end up saving 1,000s of lives each year. Please consider all this.
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