The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately one out of every 14 men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lifetime. Over 70% of people who are diagnosed with this disease are over 65 years old. Only 5-10% of patients are still alive after 5 years of the diagnosis using chemo, radiation therapy and surgery.
But the survival rate with alternative treatments is much higher even up to 90%. It really doesn´t even matter what type of cancer you have. The problem is that all alternative treatments are ignored by the conventional medicine for several reasons. But in this article I will tell you more about a cancer cure that has really been very successful. It is called Dr. Clark's Treatment.
Dr. Hulda Clark is an independent research scientist specializing in cell physiology, biology and biophysics. In 1979 Dr. Clark began private consulting and in 1985 developed a radio electronic technique for scanning the human body called the Syncrometer. Which tests for bacteria, viruses, fungi, solvents, parasites and toxins. That gave her some clues about the causes of HIV, cancer and other diseases.
According to Dr. Clark there are only health problems. 1) Pollutants or toxins which make it difficult for the organs to do their work. 2) Parasites (amoeba, protozoa and worms that utilize the food we eat and leave us with their wastes).
All the viruses, bacteria, roundworms, flatworms and protozoas are killed with a mixture of an electronic device called the 'zapper' and a herbal parasite killing program. This can benefit almost every illness according to Dr. Clark. The zapper is a (9V) frequency generator that is hand held and battery operated. It uses a positively offset square wave to electrocute the parasites. It should not be used by people wearing pacemakers, or by women who are pregnant.
The herbal treatment kills the remaining stages throughout the body where the electric current can´t reach. It is made of black walnut hull tincture, cloves and wormwood capsules taken over 3 weeks. Dr. Clark recommends unprocessed foods, homemade products and some amount of tested supplements.
Learn more about Dr. Clark Treatment and Over 350 other non-toxic natural and alternative treatments that have helped thousands of people beat their cancer. Over 2,000 testimonials! Success rates for surgery, chemo and radiation revealed! Free information on financial and other help available. Download this set of 4 e-Books and Reports NOW. It could save your life.
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