Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in the developed world. It is connected with some of the most serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease and stroke. Here we'll have a look at the effect of smoking on cancer.
Smoking and cancer - the facts
Thousands of cancer deaths a year are caused by smoking. It is estimated that 30% of all cancer deaths in the USA can be put down to smoking. When you look at cancers of the organs most affected by smoking the figures are even more shocking. About 87% of lung cancers are due to smoking. And even if you are a non-smoker you are not in the clear. It is thought that that 3,000 people a year die from lung cancer as a result of passive smoking - breathing in the smoke from other people's cigarettes. It's a sad thought that smokers could be killing the people closest to them; their friends, family and loved ones.
How does smoking cause cancer?
Cigarette smoke contains a mix of over 4,000 chemicals, of which at least 60 are known to be carcinogenic (cancer-forming). These include benzene, cadmium, chromium and polonium-210 (radon). Because smoking is highly addictive the body is exposed to these carcinogens on a repetitive basis. These substances cause the DNA in cells to alter and this can lead to cancer.
Will quitting help?
If you give up smoking you will reduce your chances of getting cancer or suffering other health related problems. The sooner you give up the better your chances of leading a healthier life. People that give up before the age of 50 are twice as likely to survive the next 15 years as people that continue to smoke.
What help is available to give up?
There's now more advice, help and products available to help you quit than ever before. The products that you can chose to help include nicotine replacement products such as nicotine gum and nicotine patches. You can either contact your doctor or buy nicotine gum over the counter. These products will help with the cravings. You are twice as likely to give up using a nicotine product than going 'cold-turkey'.
Other ways to help you quit include prescription drugs that you need to obtain from your doctor. These can help by reducing your desire for cigarettes. Some people have also found hypnotherapy to be of use to them.
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